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為了激發年輕人學習和利用資訊科技,財政司司長在《2021-22年度財政預算案》中公布推行「小學奇趣IT識多啲」計劃,在 2021/22 至 2023/24 這3個學年,向公帑資助的小學每所提供最高 40 萬元的一次性撥款資助,用於實施資訊科技教育項目。激發學生對資訊科技的興趣,鞏固相關知識,為當前和未來的科技發展作好準備。

To inspire young people to learn and use information technology, the Financial Secretary announced in the "2021-22 Budget" to implement the "Knowing More About IT Programme " project. , to provide a one-off grant of up to RMB 400,000 to each publicly-funded primary school for the implementation of IT education projects. This project aims is to Stimulate students' interest in information technology, consolidate relevant knowledge, and prepare for current and future technological development.





  • 撥款為一次性撥款

  • 由2021/22到2023/24三個學年

  • 每所小學最高共40萬元資助


甲部:營運補助金 (Operating Grant)


乙部:非經常補助金 (One-off Grant)


(在整個計劃期內,非經常補助金 (One-off Grant)不應超過$200,000。)

Funded objects:
All publicly-funded primary schools in Hong Kong (including government, aided (including special schools) and DSS primary schools)
Funding method:
The grant is a one-time grant
Three academic years from 2021/22 to 2023/24
A maximum of 400,000 yuan per primary school can be subsidized

Scope of funding:
Part A: Operating Grant
Expenses for professional services, operational services, and technical support services required for extra-curricular activities

Part B: One-off Grant
Upfront expenses for hardware, software, and equipment required for extracurricular activities

(One-off Grants should not exceed $200,000 throughout the program term.)

Scheme website:


政府資訊科技總監辦公室在現行的「中學資訊科技增潤計劃」下推行「中學IT創新實驗室」計劃,在2020/21至2022/23這3個學年,向公帑資助的中學每所提供最高 100 萬元的資助,以提升校內資訊科技設備和設施,以及舉辦與資訊科技相關的課外活動。




  • 由2020/21到2022/23三個學年

  • 每所中學最高共100萬元資助


  • IT設備和設施

  • IT相關活動

  • 其他

    • 活動的運營費用(例如維護及相關專業服務,包括兼職導師和兼職人員)

    • 行政費用(例如會計和審計服務)


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                                 STEMA ROBOT ACADEMY is here to help! 

We are experienced in helping different schools to apply for government funding with positive results, knowing the standard and requirements of the government.

Title Robotic STEMBRICKBOT Building Maker Workshop.pdf.png

We are aiming to help schools to embrace

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We are here to listen to the demands of schools and design a unique Program!!

Package B- Robotic soccer..pdf.png
PACKAGE C  Robotic Wrestling Challenge.pdf.png

We are experienced in helping schools to apply for government funding with positive outcomes!!

Package-D Architecture Building Workshop.png
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