School Services
STEM Education Program
STEMA Robot Coding 電子教材讓學生通過足球機械人競技(E-Sport)學習編程丶計算思維和硬件建構。他們將學習組裝機械人並對其進行編程以進行足球比賽,並學習調試和改進程序和建構提升效能。透過電子競技加強同學協作和建構力、解難能力和創意思維!還有更多5G 及A.I 線上及線下工作坊及機械套件可供幼稚園、中小學使用!
我們的專業教學團隊,為學校、非牟利機構、以至政府部門安排度身訂造的課程及工作坊, 讓更多的同學有機會接STEM教育及新科技。
我們可針對學校的需要特別設計課程,為學校提供各類的STEM課程,我們設有不同類型的課程及活動,內容包括電腦編程、機械人、科學實驗、3D Printing等等。
我們的導師團隊擁有多年的STEM教學相關經驗,培訓全港超過幾十間的中小學,包括學校和非牟利機構,例如: 北角衛理堂幼稚園、保良局莊啟程第二小學、港大同學會書院、香港理工大學、國立臺灣科技大學、保良局曹貴子動感青年天地、VTC展亮技能發展中心 、智慧香港扶輪社等等。
我們帶領的學生也勝出多項公開比賽,例如: Microsoft 舉辦的Micro:bit 比賽、無人機編程比賽、大灣區機械人比賽、Minecraft 比賽等等。
歡迎學校及其他機構查詢 +852-2890 1790 or stemaboy@gmail.com
STEMA ROBOT CODING ACADEMY offers professional STEM education programs. In Hong Kong, we are the sole distributor of the Robotic STEMBrick and Stembot program and have more than 130 lesson plans with different levels so far. We have different programming project activities which include Microbits, 3D Modelling printing, Robotics program for different age groups, Python, Scratch.
Our assistance includes Curriculum Design, Teacher Training, STEM room Design, STEM Lesson equipment supply, Preparing kids for Robotic Competition, and STEM-related consultancy that can help Hong Kong educational institutions to introduce STEM education to the campus.
We not only committed to cooperating with the school to propose a complete and systematic collaboration plan including hardware support and technical support. But also helping schools to apply for government funding with positive results, knowing the standard and requirements of the government. Like the "IT Innovation Lab in Schools” Programme.
STEMA ROBOT CODING ACADEMY has experience working with different primary and secondary schools, Learning centers, Non-profit organizations to link STEM education with their system. Here are names for reference: North Point Methodist Church Kindergarten, P.L.K. Vicwood K.T Chong no.2 Primary School, HKUGA college, The Hongkong Polytechnic University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, P.L.K Cho Kwai Chee Energetic Youth Club, VTC Shine Skills Centre, Rotary Club of Smart Hong Kong, etc.
Schools and other institutions are welcome to inquire:
Contact: 6302 8202